God. Creation. Art. Grab a Cuppa Joe and Let's Talk...

God. Creation. Art. How do they intertwine? How do they apply to the modern world? How have they worked in the past? What is their role in society? What is their purpose? How have they been neglected? How have they been exploited? What is our role as Christian artists and how do we translate it all into our everyday life? These questions and more fascinate us. So, we thought it would be interesting to start a blog and see what kind of network and conversations would result.

So, grab a cuppa Joe, and let’s start talking…

Thursday, September 30, 2010

International Arts Movement Conference

There isn't much information out about this yet--the full website launches on October 15, but it sounds exciting! I know if I could find a way to be there, I would be. Check it out:


Monday, September 27, 2010

God Pictures.

I love it when God speaks in pictures. Out of nowhere appears this ingrained image for my internal eyes to soak up and enjoy. Nine times out of ten I remember that picture more than I would other methods of God-I communication, and the message sinks in in a deeper way. Anyone who says God is not a master artist is crazy. He of anyone has life-changing, transformative, beautiful, powerful, imaginative art down to a tee.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Podcast teaching on the arts

Ali and I have still not had a conversation about how we want to keep/get this blog going. Whatever we end up doing, it will be more specific and focused than it has been since we created it. Until that time, I will probably occasionally keep posting random thoughts or links. Today I wanted to share a podcast that I have started listening to. It's rather long, but well worth it, I think. I am not finished with it yet. I have been listening to it on my ipod in short spurts whenever I get the chance. When I'm finished maybe I'll write a reflection and let you all see it. For now, though, here's the link:


I have been listening to the Dan and Mary Scott teachings.