God. Creation. Art. Grab a Cuppa Joe and Let's Talk...

God. Creation. Art. How do they intertwine? How do they apply to the modern world? How have they worked in the past? What is their role in society? What is their purpose? How have they been neglected? How have they been exploited? What is our role as Christian artists and how do we translate it all into our everyday life? These questions and more fascinate us. So, we thought it would be interesting to start a blog and see what kind of network and conversations would result.

So, grab a cuppa Joe, and let’s start talking…

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Heart for the Arts: Why I Care, Why God Cares, and Why We Should Care Part 2

A little bit of Pepper:

Genesis 1:27. “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God he created him; male and female He created them.” People are made in the image of God. It’s clear. It’s scripture. We know it to be true. The bible says we are made according to His “likeness”, as in we were created as reflections. God’s representation, in flesh. We were born to have a heart like the heart of God.

Every time I take a moment to look around, to look at the mountains, the ocean, trees, flowers, the sky; I find it impossible to believe that the ability to appreciate the things I see, is not a part of this inherited heart.

God appreciates beauty.

He created it.

He created.

When we create we are able to dive deeply into our hearts and produce something that is infinitely personal. We get the opportunity to make our own reflections. Our own representations made of paper, paint, music, photographs, choreography, written word, or dramatic art. When we create we get closer and closer to our God.

The Creator.

The Artist.

The arts are how we communicate. How we express ourselves. How we learn. How we interact. The arts are how we, as a culture and community, become enriched. How we learn to identify with or better understand those who are different from us. The arts are how we worship, express joy, celebrate, mourn, and explore. It’s how we learn about others, and how we learn about ourselves. And more than that, its how we can grow closer to our Father.

We are all artists. We all posses the desire to create something. To appreciate beauty. To express something.

I care about the arts, and we should all care about the arts, for this simple, honest, and irrefutable reason; God does.

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